All-Stars Academy is a program by Chezacheza that identifies extra and uniquely talented students across all Chezacheza hubs and connects them with meaningful opportunities. These young stars go through auditions to stand a chance to have a spot as an All-Star in Chezacheza.
The academy aims to equip these students with the skills and tools of being professional dancers/performers who can perform on any stage internationally. The vision of the Academy is to produce high-quality performers that use the power of dance to Educate, advocate and entertain on the important issues affecting our communities. As All Stars, we are striving to be an academy that is trusted to deliver high-quality and meaningful performances to our clients.
Chezacheza All-stars was formed with Franco Odhiambo and Collins Oluoch. As they noticed the Talents that in Chezacheza are very different and special that needed action to be taken and saw the importance of naturing these special talents.
Most of the students from ChezaCheza want to take dance as a career and become dance educators in ChezaCheza to help other children reach their potential. The aim of starting the All-Stars Academy is to support our talented students in ChezaCheza by providing them with a Safe Space where they think creatively and exposing them to professional Choreographers that will help sharpen their dancing and Performance Skills.
Additionally, All-Stars Academy wants to support our students through their education and lives. Making sure their school fees are paid, they comfortably attend school, and all of their basic needs are taken care of. The program is set to take care of the beneficiaries’ psychosocial support, where they get access to a counselor whenever they need it. We want to build an academy where every child feels supported and encouraged to be a change agent.
The ChezaCheza Management will reach out to the Educators to Inform the Educators of the Academy’s Mission – ( Find, recruit, equip, and build capacity for outstanding talented students in ChezaCheza.) and Vision – Connecting and providing opportunities to the deserving talents in ChezaCheza to maximize on their full potential. All ChezaCheza CBDC will be informed of the number of students required for the 2023-2024 star academy, from all the hubs. We will need a maximum of 5 students that will be joining the academy after the conclusion of the selection process
The Selection Process will start from the Hub with teachers Identifying the Students who have the potential and confidence and are able to cope with the speed.
The students shortlisted from the hubs will be invited to the main Audition at the ChezaCheza Centre for the main audition. They will be taught complex choreography that they will be judged with. The student will be given a theme and asked to create a 30-second solo dance story expressing the theme. There will be 5 judges, 3 from outside and 2 from chezaCheza. After the showcase, the students will later be asked questions about why they want to Join the Academy and what it really means to them.
The passing students will be invited for the onboarding session and induction. They will be educated on how the academy will work and know what is expected of them and what they can expect from the academy.
Nairobi, Kenya
ChezaCheza since 2018
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ChezaCheza 2025